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Version: 3.9.x

JATOS Configuration

JATOS' properties can be configured in three different ways:

  1. via a config file (named jatos.conf or production.conf)
  2. via command-line arguments
  3. via environment variables (possible for only a few of the properties)

The config file is located in the JATOS folder under ./conf and is named jatos.conf for versions >= 3.8.3 and production.conf for versions < 3.8.3. It uses the HOCON format. Remember to always restart JATOS after making any changes to a config file.

Command-line argument names are usually the same as the names in the config file except that they are prefixed with -D (except JVM arguments that have a -J), e.g. jatos.urlBasePath and -Djatos.urlBasePath.

Command-line arguments can be appended to JATOS' start command. E.g., here is the command with the two arguments -Djatos.urlBasePath and -Djatos.tmpPath:

./ start -Djatos.urlBasePath="/mybasepath/" -Djatos.tmpPath="/my/tmp/dir"

JVM arguments

JVM arguments (arguments for the Java Virtual Machine) are special since they are not directly intended for JATOS but for the JVM running JATOS. They can only be specified via command line arguments and have to be prefixed with -J.

One commonly used JVM argument is -Xmx. It limits JATOS's memory usage (JVM's maximum heap memory usage to be precise). It has to be written as -J-Xmx, e.g. to allow 4GB memory -J-Xmx4G.

HTTP config

Address and port

By default JATOS binds to all locally available IP addresses including on port 9000. Usually JATOS is installed together with a reverse proxy (e.g Nginx or Apache) but if you don't want to use a proxy, you have to set up the hostname or IP address and the port in one of the ways.

  1. Via config file properties

    • For v3.8.1 and lower) play.server.http.address and play.server.http.port
    • For v3.8.2 and higher) jatos.http.address and jatos.http.port


    jatos.http.address =
    jatos.http.port = 80
  2. Via command-line arguments

    • For v3.8.1 and lower) -Dplay.server.http.address and -Dplay.server.http.port
    • For v3.8.2 and higher) -Djatos.http.address and -Djatos.http.port


    -Djatos.http.address= -Djatos.http.port=80

Server idle timeout

The idle timeout for an open connection after which it will be closed. Set to null or infinite to disable the timeout, but notice that this is not encouraged since timeouts are important mechanisms to protect your servers from malicious attacks or programming mistakes. Default is 75 seconds.

  1. Via config file property play.server.http.idleTimeout


    play.server.http.idleTimeout = 100s
  2. Via command-line argument -Dplay.server.http.idleTimeout



Request timeout

How long can a request take until it times out. Set to null or infinite to disable the timeout. Default is infinite.

  1. Via config file property play.server.akka.requestTimeout


    play.server.akka.requestTimeout = 100s
  2. Via command-line argument -Dplay.server.akka.requestTimeout



URL base path

JATOS can be configured to use an base path. E.g we have the host and let JATOS run under mybasepath so that all URLs start with

The path always has to start and end with a "/". And keep in mind that if you add a base path to JATOS' URL you have to adjust all absolute paths to the study assets (in HTML and JavaScript files) too - or use relative paths (which is recommended anyway).

  1. Via config file properties

    • For v3.8.1 and lower) play.http.context
    • For v3.8.2 and higher) jatos.urlBasePath


    jatos.urlBasePath = "/mybasepath/"
  2. Via command-line arguments

    • For v3.8.1 and lower) -Dplay.http.context
    • For v3.8.2 and higher) -Djatos.urlBasePath
  3. Via environment variable JATOS_URL_BASE_PATH


Embedding in frames or iframes

The CSP directive 'frame-ancestors' can be used to allow certain domains that are allowed to embed a JATOS study in an iframe (or similar embedding techniques).

  1. Via config file property play.filters.csp.directives


    play.filters.csp.directives {
    frame-ancestors = "'self'"
  2. Via command-line argument -Dplay.filters.csp.directives



Older browsers might only support the X-Frame-Options header, which can also be used to allow or disallow embedding a JATOS study in an iframe/frame. Possible values are DENY (completely disallow iframes), SAMEORIGIN (embedding page has the same origin as the iframe), or null (allow iframes everywhere). By default it set to SAMEORIGIN. It's not possible to specify a certain domain.

  1. Via config file property play.filters.headers.frameOptions


    play.filters.headers.frameOptions = null
  2. Via command-line argument -Dplay.filters.headers.frameOptions



Trusted certificates

It's possible to add multiple certificates, e.g. for for encrypted LDAP. type can be PKCS12, JKS or PEM.

  1. Only via config file property = [ { type = "PEM", path = "conf/certs/ca.pem" } ]

Study assets root path

The study assets root folder is the location where all study's HTML, JavaScript files etc. are stored. By default it is located in the JATOS folder and has the default name study_assets_root, except when JATOS runs in a Docker container, where it is under /opt/jatos_data/study_assets_root"

  1. Via config file property jatos.studyAssetsRootPath

    jatos.studyAssetsRootPath = "/path/to/my/assets/root/folder"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.studyAssetsRootPath

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_STUDY_ASSETS_ROOT_PATH


Temporary directory path

(Only in version >= 3.8.3)

JATOS uses a directory to temporarily store files, e.g. during study import. By default the system's temporary directory is used (on Linux/Unix /tmp or on Windows c:\temp), except when JATOS runs in a Docker container, when it is under /opt/jatos_data/tmp.

  1. Via config file property jatos.tmpPath

    jatos.tmpPath = "/my/tmp/dir"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.tmpPath

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_TMP_PATH


Application logs

The application log records messages from the JATOS application. The application logs use a daily log rotation with a history of maximal 30 days.

Don't confuse the application logs with the study logs.

Application logs path

The application logs are by default in the JATOS folder under ./logs.

  1. Via config file property jatos.logs.path

    jatos.logs.path = "/my/dir/logs"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.logs.path

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_LOGS_PATH


Application logs filename

By default the logs filename is application (without suffix).

  1. Via config file property jatos.logs.filename

    jatos.logs.filename = "myFilename"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.logs.filename

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_LOGS_FILENAME


Application logs appender

The logs appender can be either ASYNCSTDOUT or ASYNCFILE. Default is ASYNCFILE. If you don't want to record the logs to a file but to stdout, change the value to ASYNCSTDOUT.

  1. Via config file property jatos.logs.appender

    jatos.logs.appender = ASYNCSTDOUT
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.logs.appender

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_LOGS_APPENDER


Study logs

Every study stored in JATOS has its own study log (more info). Among other things, it calculates hashes of result data, which can be CPU-intensive, and on smaller machines it can be better to disable it.

Don't confuse the study logs with the application logs. .

Enable/disable study logging

By default study logging is enabled.

  1. Via config file property jatos.studyLogs.enabled

    jatos.studyLogs.enabled = false
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.studyLogs.enabled


Path to study logs

By default the study logs are stored in the JATOS folder under ./study_logs.

  1. Via config file property jatos.studyLogs.path

    jatos.studyLogs.path = "/path/to/my/jatos_study_logs"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.studyLogs.path

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_STUDY_LOGS_PATH


Study members

Allow all users that exist on a JATOS to be added at once as members of a study. Can be useful in small setups, e.g. for a lab installation. Default is false.

  1. Via config file property jatos.studyMembers.allowAddAllUsers

    jatos.studyMembers.allowAddAllUsers = true
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.studyMembers.allowAddAllUsers


Results pagination

Maximal number of results to be fetched from the DB at once. Default is 10.

  1. Via config file property jatos.maxResultsDbQuerySize

    jatos.maxResultsDbQuerySize = 5
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.maxResultsDbQuerySize


Result data

Maximum size of the result data of one component run. Default is 5MB.

  1. Via config file property jatos.resultData.maxSize

    jatos.resultData.maxSize = 10MB
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.resultData.maxSize


Result file uploading

During study runs it is possible to upload files to JATOS usually with results. This is an alternative to result data that are stored in the database. It is also possible to download previously uploaded files during a study run.

Enable/disable result file uploading

Default is true (enabled).

  1. Via config file property jatos.resultUploads.enabled

    jatos.resultUploads.enabled = false
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.resultUploads.enabled


Path to result files

The path where JATOS stores the uploaded result files from study runs. By default they are stored in the JATOS folder under ./result_uploads.

  1. Via config file property jatos.resultUploads.path

    jatos.resultUploads.path = "/path/to/my/jatos_result_uploads"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.resultUploads.path

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_RESULT_UPLOADS_PATH


Max file size

Specifies the maximum file size per uploaded file. Default is 30MB.

  1. Via config file property jatos.resultUploads.maxFileSize

    jatos.resultUploads.maxFileSize = 100MB
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.resultUploads.maxFileSize

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_RESULT_UPLOADS_MAX_FILE_SIZE


All files size limit per study run

Specifies the maximum file size of all files together that are uploaded during one study run. Default is 50MB.

  1. Via config file property jatos.resultUploads.limitPerStudyRun

    jatos.resultUploads.limitPerStudyRun = 100MB
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.resultUploads.limitPerStudyRun

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_RESULT_UPLOADS_LIMIT_PER_STUDY_RUN



The Superuser role can be granted to a user and it allows this user to access ANY study on this JATOS as if they were a member of this study. This includes accessing the result data and even deleting the study itself. This can be useful in small setups, e.g. for a lab installation or if there is a dedicated person responsible for running online studies. Default is false.

If set to true an user with the Admin role can grant the role Superuser to any user.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.role.allowSuperuser

    jatos.user.role.allowSuperuser = true
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.role.allowSuperuser


LDAP authentication

At the moment LDAP users still have to be added manually in JATOS' User manager (with the switch LDAP turned on). Only the authentication is done via LDAP.

If your LDAP server uses encryption, you have to add your certificate to JATOS' trusted certificates defined with (only possible in a config file). E.g., if your certificate's location is in /jatos/conf/certs/ca.pem, then use the following to add it: = [
{ type = "PEM", path = "/jatos/conf/certs/ca.pem" }
{ path: ${java.home}/lib/security/cacerts, password = "changeit" }

The first line adds your certificate (type can be PKCS12, JKS or PEM). The second line adds Java's default key store. Its default password is "changeit" (don't change it).


Specifies URL of the LDAP server. Not set or an empty string disables authentication via LDAP. Default is empty ("").

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.ldap.url

    jatos.user.authentication.ldap.url = "ldap://"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.ldap.url


LDAP base DN

Specifies the base DN (distinguished name). It can be one DN with a single string (e.g. "ou=students,dc=example,dc=com") or a list of DNs in squared brackets (e.g. ["ou=students,dc=example,dc=com", "ou=scientists,dc=example,dc=com"]). Not set or an empty string disables authentication via LDAP. Default is empty ("").

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.ldap.basedn

    jatos.user.authentication.ldap.basedn = "dc=example,dc=com"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.ldap.basedn


LDAP admin DN and password

Specifies an DN (distinguished name) and password of an (optional) admin user that has the right to search for other users. Some LDAP servers need this, if it is impossible to bind directly to an uid. Not set or an empty string means no admin user is needed. Default is empty ("").

  1. Via config file properties jatos.user.authentication.ldap.admin.dn and jatos.user.authentication.ldap.admin.password

    jatos.user.authentication.ldap.admin.dn = "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com"
    jatos.user.authentication.ldap.admin.password = "mypassword"
  2. Via command-line arguments -Djatos.user.authentication.ldap.admin.dn and -Djatos.user.authentication.ldap.admin.password


LDAP timeout

Time in milliseconds JATOS waits for a response from your LDAP server. Default is 5000 ms.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.ldap.timeout

    jatos.user.authentication.ldap.timeout = 10000
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.ldap.timeout


Google Sign-In

JATOS users can be authenticated by Google Sign-in. Not set or an empty string disables authentication via Google Sign-In. Default is empty ("").

Specifies the Google API client ID.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oauth.googleClientId

    jatos.user.authentication.oauth.googleClientId = ""
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oauth.googleClientId


OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication

(Only in version >= 3.8.5)

JATOS users can be authenticated by OIDC sign-in.

OIDC discovery URL

Specifies the OIDC provider's discovery URL. It usually ends in .well-known/openid-configuration.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oidc.discoveryUrl

    jatos.user.authentication.oidc.discoveryUrl = "http://myOidcProvider/.well-known/openid-configuration"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.discoveryUrl


OIDC client ID

Specifies the OIDC client ID. Not set or an empty string disables authentication via OIDC Sign-In. Default is empty ("").

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oidc.clientId

    jatos.user.authentication.oidc.clientId = "myClientId"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.clientId


OIDC client secret

Specifies the OIDC client secret. This is optional and can be left empty ("").

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oidc.clientSecret

    jatos.user.authentication.oidc.clientSecret = "myClientSecret"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.clientSecret


OIDC ID token signing algorithm

Specifies the OIDC ID token signing algorithm. Default is RS256.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oidc.idTokenSigningAlgorithm

    jatos.user.authentication.oidc.idTokenSigningAlgorithm = "ES512"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.idTokenSigningAlgorithm


OIDC sign-in button text

Specifies the text of the OIDC sign-in button on the login page. Default is Sign in with OIDC.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oidc.signInButtonText

    jatos.user.authentication.oidc.signInButtonText = "Sign in with ABC university"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.signInButtonText

    -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.signInButtonText="Sign in with ABC university"

Specifies the URL of a logo that can be used instead of the standard OIDC logo, e.g. a university logo. Default is the OIDC logo.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oidc.signInButtonLogoUrl

    jatos.user.authentication.oidc.signInButtonLogoUrl = "http://somedomain/logo.svg"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.signInButtonLogoUrl


OIDC success feedback

Specifies the text of a message that is shown after a successful sign-in. If left empty ("") no message is shown. Default is "".

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.oidc.successFeedback

    jatos.user.authentication.oidc.successFeedback = "You successfully signed in with ABC university"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.successFeedback

    -Djatos.user.authentication.oidc.successFeedback="You successfully signed in with ABC university"

ORCID ( authentication

(Only in version >= 3.8.5)

JATOS users can be authenticated by ORCID sign-in. Internally ORCID uses OpenId Connect.

ORCID client ID

Specifies your ORCID client ID.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.orcid.clientId

    jatos.user.authentication.orcid.clientId = "APP-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.orcid.clientId


ORCID client secret

Specifies your ORCID client secret.

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.authentication.orcid.clientSecret

    jatos.user.authentication.orcid.clientSecret = "1234abcd-12ab-12ab-12ab-123456abcdef"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.authentication.orcid.clientSecret


User password restrictions

By default JATOS' keeps it simple and relies on the users to choose save passwords: it just enforces a length of at least 7 characters. But this can be changed with the following two properties.

Password length

  1. Via config file property jatos.user.password.length

    jatos.user.password.length = 8
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.password.length


Password strength

Can be one of the following. Default is 0.

  • 0 - No restrictions on characters
  • 1 - At least one Latin letter and one number
  • 2 - At least one Latin letter, one number and one special character (out of #?!@$%^&*-)
  • 3 - At least one uppercase Latin letter, one lowercase Latin letter, one number and one special character (out of #?!@$%^&*-)
  1. Via config file property jatos.user.password.strength

    jatos.user.password.strength = 3
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.user.password.strength



See JATOS with MySQL.

Old style database properties beginning with db.default are deprecated and the new properties beginning with jatos.db should be used instead.

Database URL

  1. Via config file property jatos.db.url

    jatos.db.url = "jdbc:mysql://"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.db.url

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_DB_URL


Username and password

  1. Via config file properties jatos.db.username and jatos.db.password

    jatos.db.username = "myusername"
    jatos.db.password = "mypassword"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.db.username and -Djatos.db.password

    -Djatos.db.username = "myusername" -Djatos.db.password = "mypassword"
  3. Via environment variable JATOS_DB_USERNAME and JATOS_DB_PASSWORD


Database driver

For modern MySQL or MariaDB databases this property needs to be set to com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver.

  1. Via config file property jatos.db.driver

    jatos.db.driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.db.driver

  3. Via environment variable JATOS_DB_DRIVER


Multi-node mode

If you intend to run JATOS on multiple machines in parallel in a cluster you have to set this property to true. Default is false.

  1. Via config file property jatos.multiNode

    jatos.multiNode = true
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.multiNode

    -Djatos.multiNode = true

User session configuration


User session timeout in minutes. Default is 1440 minutes (1 day).

  1. Via config file property jatos.userSession.timeout

    jatos.userSession.timeout = 180
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.userSession.timeout

    -Djatos.userSession.timeout = 180

Inactivity timeout

User session timeout after inactivity in minutes. Default is 60 minutes.

  1. Via config file property jatos.userSession.inactivity

    jatos.userSession.inactivity = 120
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.userSession.inactivity


Secure session

This property can be used to restrict user access to HTTPS. Default is false.

  1. Via config file property = true
  2. Via command-line argument

ID cookies

Secure ID cookies

This property can be used to restrict participant access to HTTPS. Sets the ID cookie's secure attribute. Default is false.

  1. Via config file property = true
  2. Via command-line argument

SameSite attribute

Defines the IDCookies' SameSite attribute. Possible values are None, Lax, or Strict. Setting to Strict makes the usage of external recruiting tools, like MTurk, impossible. Default is None.

  1. Via config file property jatos.idCookies.sameSite

    jatos.idCookies.sameSite = "Lax"
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.idCookies.sameSite

    -Djatos.idCookies.sameSite = "Lax"

PID file location

Defines the location of the PID file in the file system.

  1. Via config file property play.pidfile.path

    play.pidfile.path = "/var/run/"
  2. Via command-line argument -Dplay.pidfile.path

    -Dplay.pidfile.path = "/var/run/"

Home page

Welcome message

Specifies a URL that can be used by JATOS to fetch some static HTML. This HTML will then be shown on the home page instead of the default welcome message (more info). If left empty ("") the default welcome message is shown. Default is empty.

  1. Via config file property jatos.brandingUrl

    jatos.brandingUrl = ""
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.brandingUrl

    -Djatos.brandingUrl = ""

'Terms of use' info box

Specifies a URL link to the 'terms of use' that will be shown in an info box on the home page. If left empty ("") the info box is not shown. Default is empty.

  1. Via config file property jatos.termsOfUseUrl

    jatos.termsOfUseUrl = ""
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.termsOfUseUrl

    -Djatos.termsOfUseUrl = ""

Study manager page

Enable/disable some columns in the study manager table. Sometimes the calculation of those columns takes too much time due to a slow database or file system.

  1. Via config file properties jatos.studyAdmin.showStudyAssetsSize, jatos.studyAdmin.showResultDataSize, and jatos.studyAdmin.showResultFileSize

    jatos.studyAdmin.showStudyAssetsSize = false # Default is true
    jatos.studyAdmin.showResultDataSize = true # Default is false
    jatos.studyAdmin.showResultFileSize = true # Default is false
  2. Via command-line arguments -Djatos.studyAdmin.showStudyAssetsSize, -Djatos.studyAdmin.showResultDataSize, and -Djatos.studyAdmin.showResultFileSize

    -Djatos.studyAdmin.showStudyAssetsSize = false # Default is true
    -Djatos.studyAdmin.showResultDataSize = true # Default is false
    -Djatos.studyAdmin.showResultFileSize = true # Default is false


Enable/disable the JATOS API. By default it is enabled (true).

  1. Via config file property jatos.api.allowed

    jatos.api.allowed = false
  2. Via command-line argument -Djatos.api.allowed

    -Djatos.api.allowed = false