Contact us
JATOS is under active development, so please do get in touch to ask questions, suggest enhancements and report bugs. We really appreciate any contributions.
We also conduct workshops: If you want us to give a lecture or workshop about JATOS and/or online studies in general contact us via email.
If you have a question about JATOS or need help with your experiments, write to either:
CogSci forum
JATOS has a subforum in the very nice forum. It nucleates several cognitive science -and beyond!- tools, so we hope that this simplifies communication.
Get an invite to JATOS Slack workspace.
GitHub issues
If you would like to report a bug or suggest a new feature that could improve JATOS, you could write a GitHub issue.
Google Groups
If for some reason you don't want to use the public group or CogSci forum you can also write us directly. (But we prefer that you use any of the other two options as your question might help others. We get notified of new posts immediately.).