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Laycock, K. and McGowan, K.B. (2025), Removing the Disguise: The Matched Guise Technique, Incongruity, and Listener Awareness. Journal of Sociolinguistics. DOI
Jansen, P., Haugg, J. & Schroter, F.A. (2025) Explicit and implicit affective attitudes of female athletes towards different body sizes. BMC Psychol. DOI
Bading, K. C., Barth, M., & Rothermund, K. (2025). Evidence for an evaluative effect of stimulus co-occurrence may be inflated by evaluative differences between assimilative and contrastive relations. Cognition and Emotion. DOI
Zapata, J.M., Comay, M.A., Taricco, G., Barttfeld, P., Solovey, G., Saal, A., Ahumada, J.V. (2025) Metacognitive Sensitivity on the Iowa Gambling Task Reveals Awareness as a Necessary Condition for Advantageous Performance. Experimental Psychology DOI
Trier, H.A., O’Reilly, J.X., Spiering, L. et al. (2025) Emotions and individual differences shape human foraging under threat. Nat. Mental Health. DOI
Purkart, R., Delem, M., Ranson, V., Andrey, C., Versace, R., Cavalli, E., Plancher, G. (2025) Are there unconscious visual images in aphantasia? Development of an implicit priming paradigm. Cognition DOI
Bruckner, R., Nassar, M. R., Li, S.-C., & Eppinger, B. (2025). Differences in learning across the lifespan emerge via resource-rational computations. Psychological Review. DOI
Bading, K. C., Barth, M., & Rothermund, K. (2025). Evidence for an evaluative effect of stimulus co-occurrence may be inflated by evaluative differences between assimilative and contrastive relations. Cognition and Emotion. DOI
Michalareas, G., Lehr, C., Grabenhorst, M. et al. (2025) Social processing distorts physical distance perception. Sci Rep. DOI
Brand J, Preininger M, Kříž A, Ceháková M. Feminine fox, not so feminine box: constraints on linguistic relativity effects for grammatical and conceptual gender. Language and Cognition. DOI
Mera, Y., Modirrousta-Galian, A., Thomas, G., Higham, P. A., & Seabrooke, T. (2025). Erring on the side of caution: Two failures to replicate the derring effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. DOI
Belo, J., Clerc, M. & Schon, D. (2025) Attentional Inhibition Ability Predicts Neural Representation During Challenging Auditory Streaming. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. DOI
de Waard, J., Theeuwes, J. & Bogaerts, L. (2025) Taking time: Auditory statistical learning benefits from distributed exposure. Psychon Bull Rev. DOI
Büsel, C., Dahm, S.F., Sachse, P. et al. (2025) The role of inhibition in the processing of peripheral cues. Psychological Research. DOI
Winkelmair, A., Schroter, F.A., Jansen, P. Vegetarian and sustainable food consumption behavior: Exploring the relation to explicit and implicit attitudes toward vegetarian foods and dispositional mindfulness. Appetite. DOI
Wainio-Theberge, S., Khoury, B. & Armony, J.L. (2025) Mindfulness Skills and Experience Are Associated With Enhanced Emotional Body Sensations. Mindfulness. DOI
Sousa de Gois, T., Oliveira Freitas, F., Tejada, J., Freitag, R. (2025). NLP and education Using semantic similarity to evaluate filled gaps in a large-scale Cloze test in the classroom. The Mental Lexicon. DOI
Xu, Z., Theeuwes, J. & Los, S.A. (2025) Statistical learning of spatiotemporal target regularities in the absence of saliency. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Roesler, E., Rieger, T. Langer, M. (2024) Numeric vs. verbal information: The influence of information quantifiability in Human-AI vs. Human-Human decision support, Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans DOI
Banh N.C., Tünnermann J., Rohlfing K.J., Scharlau, I. (2024) Benefiting from binary negations? Verbal negations decrease visual attention and balance its distribution. Front. Psychol. DOI
Conson, M., Zappullo, I., Cordasco, G., Trojano, L., Raimo, G., Cecere, R., Baiano, C., Lauro, A., & Esposito, A. (2024). Altercentrism in perspective-taking: The role of humanisation in embodying the agent’s point of view. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI
Pucci, V., Contemori, G., Saccani, M.S. et al. (2024) Auto-Global Examination of Mental State (Auto-GEMS): a web-based self-administered cognitive screening. Aging Clin Exp Res. DOI
Wiradhany, W., Pócs, A., Baumgartner, S.E. (2024) Are Social Media Notifications Distracting? Experimental Psychology DOI
Russell, M.D., Bonny, J.W., Reed, R. (2024) Impact of Virtual Reality on Decision-Making and Risk Assessment During Simulated Residential Fire Scenarios. Fire DOI
Nakamura, S., Kobayashi, M. (2024) Examining psychological detachment from work, work engagement, and thought control in Japanese work at home environments. Discov Psychol DOi
Duncan, D.H., van Moorselaar, D. & Theeuwes, J. (2024) Visual statistical learning requires attention. Psychon Bull Rev DOI
Hasenäcker, J., & Domahs, F. (2024). EXPRESS: Same same but different – The graded influence of vowel quality and prosodic prominence on letter detection. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI
Godwin, H. J., Liversedge, S. P., Mestry, N., Dewis, H., & Donnelly, N. (2024). Time on task effects during interactive visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. DOI
Schreiner, M.R., Feustel, S. & Kunde, W. (2024) Linking actions and memories: Probing the interplay of action-effect congruency, agency experience, and recognition memory. Mem Cogn. DOI
de Valério de Arruda, M., Reyes, M. B., das Neves, S. F., Herrmann, F., Verzili, B., & Galduróz, R. F. (2024). Temporal bisection task as a predictor of cognitive deficits. European Journal of Neuroscience. DOI
Xu, X., Zhu, Z., Zheng, X. et al. (2024) Temporal asymmetries in inferring unobserved past and future events. Nat Commun. DOI
Wainio-Theberge, S., & Armony, J. L. (2024). Differences in natural standing posture are associated with antisocial and manipulative personality traits. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. DOI
Embon, I., Gerbaudo, M.A., Usaj, A.R. et al. (2024) Exploring the relationship between dysfunctional personality traits with metacognition and confidence. Curr Psychol. DOI
Di Ponzio, M., Battaglini, L., Bertamini, M. et al. (2024) Behavioural stochastic resonance across the lifespan. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci DOI
Caudrelier, T., Ménard, L. Beausoleil, M.M., Martin, C.D., Samuel, A.G. (2024) When Jack isn’t Jacques: Simultaneous opposite language-specific speech perceptual learning in French–English bilinguals. PNAS Nexus DOI
Shum, Y.H., Galang, C.M.,Brass, M. (2024) Using a Veto paradigm to investigate the decision models in explaining Libet-style experiments. Consciousness and Cognition DOI
Kim, M., Kim, K.I. & Kim, H. (2024) Self-interest overrides rank-reversal aversion in resource distribution. Sci Rep. DOI
Bonny, J.W., Hussain, Z., Russell, M.D., Trouvé A., Milke J.A. (2024) Simulated fire video collection for advancing understanding of human behavior in building fires. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI
Duncan, D. H., & Theeuwes, J. (2024). Secondary capture: Salience information persistently drives attentional selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. DOI
Li, AS., van Moorselaar, D. & Theeuwes, J. (2024) Attending is not enough: Responding to targets is needed for across-trial statistical learning. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Pithayarungsarit, P., Rieger, T., Onnasch, L., & Roesler, E. (2024). The Pop-Out Effect of Rarer Occurring Stimuli Shapes the Effectiveness of AI Explainability. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. DOI
zu Putlitz, J., & Roesler, E. (2024). Let’s Get Physical: The Influence of Embodiment on Industrial Human-Robot Interaction. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting DOI
Brouwer, J., van den Berg, F., Knooihuizen, R., Loerts, H., & Keijzer, M. (2024). The effects of language learning on cognitive functioning and psychosocial well-being in cognitively healthy older adults: A semi-blind randomized controlled trial. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. DOI
Frugarello, P., Rusconi, E., Job, R. (2024) The label-feedback effect is influenced by target category in visual search. PLoS ONE. DOI
Bauer, R., Jansen, P. (2024) A short mindfulness induction might increase women’s mental rotation performance. Consciousness and Cognition DOI
Xue, S., Gao, X., Wu, Y., Sun, J., Yang, W., Li, X., Ke, S., Yang, L., Jin, H., & Chen, S. (2024). Effects of Theme, Form, and Language on Poetry Reading: Evidence From Chinese ESL Learners. Empirical Studies of the Arts. DOI
Niedernhuber M, Streicher J, Leggenhager B, Bekinschtein TA. (2024) Attention and Interoception Alter Perceptual and Neural Pain Signatures-A Case Study. J Pain Res. DOI
Schmerwitz, C., Kopp, B. (2024) The future of neuropsychology is digital, theory-driven, and Bayesian: a paradigmatic study of cognitive flexibility. Frontiers in Psychology DOI
Loaiza, V.M., Souza, A.S. (2024) Active maintenance in working memory reinforces bindings for future retrieval from episodic long-term memory. Mem Cogn. DOI
Winkelmair, A., Jansen, P. (2024) Can a mindfulness-based training influence explicit and implicit attitudes, as well as sustainable nutrition behaviors, particularly in relation to vegetarianism?. Appetite DOI
Contemori G., Saccani M.S., Bonato M. (2024) Cognitive-Cognitive Dual-task in aging: A cross-sectional online study. PLoS ONE. DOI
Gemignani, M., Giannotti, M., Rigo, P. et al. (2024) Neither Parents’ Sex Nor the Type of Family Modulates Attentional Bias Toward Infant Faces: A Preliminary Study in Different-Sex and Same-Sex Parents. Arch Sex Behav. DOI
Curzel, F., Osiurak, F., Trân, E., Tillmann, B. Ripollés, P., Ferreri, L. (2024) Increased pleasure positively influences prosocial behavior and memory outcomes. iScience DOI
Berkovich, R., & Meiran, N. (2024). Both pleasant and unpleasant emotional feelings follow Weber’s law but it depends how you ask. Emotion DOI
Oz-Cohen, E., Berkovich, R. & Meiran, N. (2024) Bumpy ride ahead: Anticipated effort as emotional evidence?. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. DOI
van Moorselaar, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2024). Transfer of statistical learning between tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. DOI
Morriss, J., Lee, C.E., Wood, A. et al. (2024) Attentional bias to uncertainty-based information: a conceptual replication of Fergus et al. (2013). Curr Psychol DOI
Berry, C. J., & Shanks, D. R. (2024). Everyday amnesia: Residual memory for high confidence misses and implications for decision models of recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General DOI
Salava, A. Salmela, V. (2024) Diagnostic errors during perceptual learning in dermatology: a prospective cohort study of Finnish undergraduate students. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. DOI
Béna, J., Lacassagne, D., & Corneille, O. (2024). EXPRESS: Do Uncontrolled Processes Contribute to Evaluative Learning? Insights From a New Two-US Process Dissociation Procedure and Ambivalence Measures. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology DOI
Chan, Y. Y., Lee, J. C., Fam, J. P., Westbrook, R. F., & Holmes, N. M. (2024). The role of uncertainty in regulating associative change. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition DOI
Xu, H., Armony, J.L. (2024) Arousal level and exemplar variability of emotional face and voice encoding influence expression-independent identity recognition. Motiv Emot DOI
Theeuwes, L., Snell, L., Koning, T., Bucker, B. (2024) Self-Explaining Roads: Effects of road design on speed choice Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour DOI
Sulpizio, S., Spinelli, G. & Scaltritti, M. (2024) Semantic Stroop interference is modulated by the availability of executive resources: Insights from delta-plot analyses and cognitive load manipulation. Mem Cogn. DOi
Liapi, A., Silva, S., Folia, V. (2024) Duration Perception and Reading in Typically Developing Adults and Adults with Developmental Dyslexia: Implications for Assessment and Intervention. Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. DOI
Sidhu, A., Uiga, L., Langley, B. et al. (2024) Reduced influence of perceptual context in mild traumatic brain injury is not an illusion. Sci Rep DOI
Smith, A.J., Bisby, J.A., Dercon, Q. et al. (2024) Hot metacognition: poorer metacognitive efficiency following acute but not traumatic stress. Transl Psychiatry DOI
Grignolio, D., Acunzo, D. J., & Hickey, C. (2024). Object-based attention is accentuated by object reward association. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance DOI
Vainre M, Dalgleish T, Watson P, et al Work Engagement and Well-being Study (SWELL): a randomised controlled feasibility trial evaluating the effects of mindfulness versus light physical exercise at work. BMJ Ment Health. DOI
Nguyen, N., Lancia, L., Huttner, L., Schwartz, J., & Diard, J. (2024). Listeners' convergence towards an artificial agent in a joint phoneme categorization task. Glossa Psycholinguistics. DOI
Theeuwes, J., Huang, C., Frings, C., & van Moorselaar, D. (2024). Statistical learning of motor preparation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. DOI
Corradi G, Aguilar P, Aguiar F, Olivera-La Rosa A (2024) Age and moral disgust: An experimental priming effects vignette study. PLoS ONE DOI
Del Popolo Cristaldi F., Buodo G., Gambarota F., Oosterwijk S., Mento G. (2024) How previous experience shapes future affective subjective ratings: A follow-up study investigating implicit learning and cue ambiguity. PLoS ONE DOI
Bognar, M., Szekely, Z., Varga, M.A. et al. (2024 )Cognitive control adjustments are dependent on the level of conflict. Sci Rep DOI
van Moorselaar D, Theeuwes J. (2024) Spatial transfer of object-based statistical learning. Atten Percept Psychophys DOI
Lallement, C., Lemaire, P. (2024) Are There Age-Related Differences in Effects of Positive and Negative Emotions in Arithmetic? Experimental Psychology DOI
Vandendaele, A., Prutean, N. and Declerck, M. (2024). A Blessing in Disguise: Flanking Words Can Cancel Language Switch Costs. Journal of Cognition DOI
Moore, C.M., Zheng, Q. (2024) Limited midlevel mediation of visual crowding: Surface completion fails to support uncrowding. Journal of Vision DOI
Oppenheim, G.M., Nozari, N. (2024) Similarity-induced interference or facilitation in language production reflects representation, not selection. Cognition DOI
Soto, D., Salazar, A., Elosegi, P. et al. (2024) A novel image database for social concepts reveals preference biases in autistic spectrum in adults and children. Psychon Bull Rev DOI
Martin, C.D., Pastureau, R., Kerr, E. and de Bruin, A. (2024) Processing of Synonyms and Homographs in Bilingual and Monolingual Speakers. Journal of Cognition DOI
Grootswagers T, Robinson AK, Shatek SM, Carlson TA (2024) Mapping the dynamics of visual feature coding: Insights into perception and integration. PLoS Comput Biol DOI
Garre-Frutos, F., Vadillo, M.A., González, F. et al. (2024) On the reliability of value-modulated attentional capture: An online replication and multiverse analysis. Behav Res. DOI
Mu, Y., Schubö, A. & Tünnermann, J. (2024) Adapting attentional control settings in a shape-changing environment. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Shyr, M.C., Joshi, S.S. (2024) A Case Study of the Validity of Web-based Visuomotor Rotation Experiments. J Cogn Neurosci DOI
Yang, W., and Rauwolf, P., Frances, C., Wei, Y., Molina-Nieto, O., Duñabeitia, J.A., Thierry, G. (2023) Evidence for Strategic Language Use in Chinese-English Bilinguals. SSRN DOI
Berkovich, R., & Meiran, N. (2023). Pleasant emotional feelings follow one of the most basic psychophysical laws (weber’s law) as most sensations do. Emotion DOI
Del Popolo Cristaldi, F., Gambarota, F., & Oosterwijk, S. (2023). Does your past define you? The role of previous visual experience in subjective reactions to new affective pictures and sounds. Emotion DOI
Barnes, L., Rangelov, D., Mattingley, J. B., & Woolgar, A. (2023). Fractionating distraction: How past- and future-relevant distractors influence integrated decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. DOI
Modirrousta-Galian, A., Higham, P. A., & Seabrooke, T. (2023). Effects of inductive learning and gamification on news veracity discernment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. DOI
Curzel, F., Carraturo, G., Ripollés, P., & Ferreri, L. (2023). Better off alone? When sharing music reduces pleasure responses. Advances in Cognitive Psychology. DOI
Fahnenstich, H., Rieger, T., Roesler, E. (2023). Trusting under risk – comparing human to AI decision support agents. Computers in Human Behavior DOI
Smith, H. J., Gilbert, R. A., & Davis, M. H. (2023). Can speech perception deficits cause phonological impairments? Evidence from short-term memory for ambiguous speech. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General DOI
Godwin, H.J., Hout, M.C. (2023) Just say ‘I don’t know’: Understanding information stagnation during a highly ambiguous visual search task. PLoS ONE. DOI
Palmer, C. J., Kim, P., & Clifford, C. W. G. (2023). Gaze behavior as a visual cue to animacy. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. DOI
Gurunandan, K., Cooper, E., Tibon, R., Henson, R.N., & Greve, A. (2023) No evidence of fast mapping in healthy adults using an implicit memory measure: failures to replicate the lexical competition results of Coutanche and Thompson-Schill (2014). Memory. DOI
Hsieh, J.Y.J., Boyce, W.P., Goddard, E. et al. (2023) Colour information biases facial age estimation and reduces inter-observer variability. Sci Rep. DOI
Wang, X., Li, X., Yin, Z., Wu, Y., & Liu, J. (2023). Emotional intelligence of Large Language Models. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology. DOI
Marks, R.A., Eggleston, R., Kovelman, I. (2023) Brain bases of morphological awareness and longitudinal word reading outcomes. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. DOI
Magnabosco, F., Hauk, O. (2023) An eye on semantics: a study on the influence of concreteness and predictability on early fixation durations. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. DOI
Oberholzer, Y., Olschewski, S., Scheibehenne, B. Complexity Aversion in Risky Choices and Valuations: Moderators and Possible Causes. Journal of Economic Psychology. DOI.
Loaiza, V.M., Cheung, H.W. & Goldenhaus-Manning, D.T. (2023) What you don’t know can’t hurt you: Retro-cues benefit working memory regardless of prior knowledge in long-term memory. Psychon Bull Rev. DOI
Everhardt, M.K., Sarampalis, A., Coler, M., Başkent, D. Lowie, W. (2023) Prosodic Focus Interpretation in Spectrotemporally Degraded Speech by Non-Native Listeners. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research DOI
Schreiner, M. R., Bröder, A., & Meiser, T. (2023). Agency effects on the binding of event elements in episodic memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology DOI
Rieger, T., Manzey, D., Meussling, B., Onnasch, L., Roesler, E. (2023) Be careful what you explain: Benefits and costs of explainable AI in a simulated medical task. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans. DOI
Peterson, L.M., Susilo, T., Clifford, C.G.W., Palmer, C.J. (2023) Discrimination of facial identity based on simple contrast patterns generated by shading and shadows. Vision Research. DOI
Peterson, L.M., Clifford, C.W.G., Palmer, C.J. (2023) Detection of Mooney faces is robust to image asymmetries produced by illumination. Journal of Vision DOI
Gemignani, M., Giannotti, M., Rigo, P., de Falco, S. (2023) Attentional bias to infant faces might be associated with previous care experiences and involvement in childcare in same-sex mothers. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology DOI
Schreiner, M.R., Hütter, M. (2023) The Influence of Social Status on Memory: No Evidence for Effects of Social Status on Event Element Binding. Social Cognition DOI
Vandendaele, A., & Grainger, J. (2023). Lexical competition in the flankers task revised. PLoS one DOI
Labaronne, M., Ferreri, L. & Plancher, G. (2023) How do intentions modulate the effect of working memory on long-term memory? Psychon Bull Rev. DOI
Béna, J., Rouard, M., & Corneille, O. (2023). You won't believe it! Truth judgments for clickbait headlines benefit (but less so) from prior exposure. Applied Cognitive Psychology DOI
Constant, M., Pereira, M., Faivre, N. et al. (2023) Prior information differentially affects discrimination decisions and subjective confidence reports. Nat Commun. DOI
Jost, L., & Jansen, P. (2023). EXPRESS: The Influence of the Design of Mental Rotation Trials on Performance and Possible Differences Between Sexes: A Theoretical Review and Experimental Investigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI
Rieger, T., Kugler, L., Manzey, D., & Roesler, E. (2023). The (Im)perfect Automation Schema: Who Is Trusted More, Automated or Human Decision Support? Human Factors. DOI
Everhardt, M.K., Sarampalis, A., Coler, M., Başkent, D., & Lowie, W. (2023). Prosodic Focus Interpretation in Spectrotemporally Degraded Speech by Non-Native Listeners. *Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. DOI
Vieth, E., von Stockhausen, L. (2023) Effects of short mindful breathing meditations on executive functioning in two randomized controlled double-blinded experiments. Acta Psychologica DOI
Sobczak, A., Bunzeck, N. (2023) Effects of positive and negative social feedback on motivation, evaluative learning, and socio-emotional processing. npj Sci. Learn. DOI
Coy, N., Bendixen, A., Grimm, S. et al. (2023) Deviants violating higher-order auditory regularities can become predictive and facilitate behaviour. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Ivanov, Y., Theeuwes, J. & Bogaerts, L. (2023) Reliability of individual differences in distractor suppression driven by statistical learning. Behav Res. DOI
Wang-Ly, Nathan and Newell, Ben R. (2023) Uncertain goals and savings adequacy: Contrasting economic and psychological perspectives. SSRN DOI
Putra, K.A., Prasetio C.E., & Sianipar, A. (2023) Inhibition on irrelevant negative information alleviates the mediating role of psychological distress in the association between trait rumination and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Cogent Psychology DOI
de Waard, J., van Moorselaar, D., Bogaerts, L. et al. (2023) Statistical learning of distractor locations is dependent on task context. Sci Rep DOI
Prasetio, C.E., Putri, V.M. and Sianipar, A. (2023), The Moderating Role of Inhibition on Irrelevant Emotional Information in the Relation of Cognitive Reappraisal and Affect Balance: Evidence from a Negative Affective Priming Task. Jpn Psychol Res. DOI
Jansen, P., Rahe, M., Hoja, S. et al. (2023) Are Character Strengths and Attitudes towards Vegetarian Food Related? Int J Appl Posit Psychol. DOI
Kahan, T.A., Smith, Z.P. (2023) Effects of alerting signals on the spatial Stroop effect: evidence for modality differences. Psychological Research. DOI
Liao, MR., Grindell, J.D. & Anderson, B.A. (2023) A comparison of mental imagery and perceptual cueing across domains of attention. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Büsel, C., Seiz, C. M., Hoffmann, A., Sachse, P., & Ansorge, U. (2023). EXPRESS: Swift Attenuation of Irrelevant Features Through Feature Consistency – Evidence From a Capture-Probe Version of the Contingent-Capture Protocol. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology DOI
Xie, T., Fu, S. & Mento, G. (2023) Faces do not guide attention in an object-based facilitation manner. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Ziereis, A., Schacht, A. (2023) Motivated attention and task relevance in the processing of cross-modally associated faces: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. DOI
Winkelmair, A., Siebertz, M., Jost, L. et al. (203) Explicit and Implicit Affective Attitudes toward Sustainability: The Role of Mindfulness, Heartfulness, Connectedness to Nature and Prosocialness. Int J Appl Posit Psychol DOI
Mazor, M., Maimon-Mor, R.O., Charles, L. et al. (2023) Paradoxical evidence weighting in confidence judgments for detection and discrimination. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Thoma, D., Becker, K., & Kißler, A. (2023). Presuppositions are more persuasive than assertions if addressees accommodate them: Experimental evidence for philosophical reasoning. Applied Psycholinguistics. DOI
Rullo, M., Presaghi, F., Baldner, C., Livi, S., & Butera, F. (2023). Omertà in intragroup cheating: The role of ingroup identity in dishonesty and whistleblowing. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. DOI
Hasenäcker, J., & Domahs, F. (2023). Prosody affects visual perception in polysyllabic words: Evidence from a letter search task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI
Fenn J., Helm J.F., Höfele P., Kulbe L., Ernst A., Kiesel A. (2023) Identifying key-psychological factors influencing the acceptance of yet emerging technologies–A multi-method-approach to inform climate policy. PLOS Clim DOI
Gao, Y., de Waard, J. & Theeuwes, J. (2023) Learning to suppress a location is configuration-dependent. Atten Percept Psychophys DOI
Homann, L.A., Drody, A.C. & Smilek, D. (2023) The effects of self-selected background music and task difficulty on task engagement and performance in a visual vigilance task. Psychological Research DOI
Ng, D. W., Lee, J. C., & Lovibond, P. F. (2023). Unidirectional rating scales overestimate the illusory causation phenomenon. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology DOI
Arslan, B., Ng, F., Göksun, T., & Nozari, N. (2023). Trust my gesture or my word: How do listeners choose the information channel during communication? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition DOI
Fromm, S.P., Wieland, L., Klettke, A., Nassar, M.R., Katthagen, T., Markett, S., Heinz, A., Schlagenhauf, F. (2023) Computational mechanisms of belief updating in relation to psychotic-like experiences. Front. Psychiatry DOI
Comay, N.A., Della Bella, G., Lamberti, P., Sigman, M. Solovey, G., Barttfeld, P. (2023) The presence of irrelevant alternatives paradoxically increases confidence in perceptual decisions. Cognition DOI
Tian, J., Ren, K., Gunderson, EA. (2023) Verbal labels influence children's processing of decimal magnitudes. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology DOI
Bognar, M., Gyurkovics, M., van Steenbergen, H. & Aczel, B. (2023) Phasic affective signals by themselves do not regulate cognitive control. Cognition and Emotion DOI
Huang, C., Donk, M. & Theeuwes, J. (2023) Attentional suppression is in place before display onset. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
Salava, A, Salmela, V. (2023) Perceptual learning in dermatology—A Finnish cohort study of undergraduate medical students. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. DOI
Béna, J., Mierop, A., Bancu, D. Unkelbach, C., Corneille, O. The Role of Valence Matching in the Truth-by-Repetition Effect. Social Cognition DOI
Embon, I., Cukier, S., Iorio, A., Barttfeld, P., Solovey, G. Is visual metacognition associated with autistic traits? A regression analysis shows no link between visual metacognition and Autism-Spectrum Quotient scores. Consciousness and Cognition DOI
Yan, N., Grindell, J., & Anderson, B. A. (2023). Encoding history enhances working memory encoding: Evidence from attribute amnesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance DOI
Dijkstra, N., Fleming, S.M. (2023) Subjective signal strength distinguishes reality from imagination. Nat Commun DOI
Guseva, M., Bogler, C., Allefeld C., Haynes JD. (2023) Instruction effects on randomness in sequence generation. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI
van Moorselaar, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2023). Statistical Learning Within Objects. Psychological Science DOI
Lu, Z., van Zoest, W. (2023) Combining social cues in attention: Looking at gaze, head, and pointing cues. Atten Percept Psychophys. DOI
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